Thursday, March 1, 2012

Feelin’ the BLUES with the Gang of Gardullah’s

I know that the Mahindra Blues Festival is over and for the third year running I have not been able to attend due to some rather unforeseen circumstances, nevertheless I can still listen to some vintage blues music on my pod at my own will, and just to prove that point, for the next couple of weeks I shall be throwing some light on some of my all-time favourites in blues music. Oh and yes I’m gonna do this entire Blues tribute in poetry; well at least the first post!

T’was a lazy Wednesday afternoon and the Gardullah’s had nothing to do,
So Swami G made an awesome lunch plan to eat at Out of the Blue,
Now I don’t mean to sound cocky, but I’m kind of the most affable person in the group,
Despite the few number of followers I have, its kinda hard to keep me out of the loop.

Now the most important member of this gang is Madam Gardullah herself,
She’s got 3 personalities, 2 awesome cats and ONE nice book shelf,
She’s crazy this Gardullah with her unpredictability and poor capacity,
And despite the amount I used to torment her, she’s one of the safer drivers in this city.

Even the balding Hakeem Chacha decided to join us, in this totally spontaneous plan,
He’s got a mad sense of humour this guy, but he’s also a very wise man,
You guys should check out Raconteur Walks, it’s about the city that’s loved by one and all,
I seriously won’t be surprised if this guy someday becomes India’s Director of Football.

How can I forget my Chicken Fry, my favourite Marathi Manoos,
The Vincent Chase of this gang, who is a lot of things but NOT kanjoos,
No one can throw a better party than our very own Mr. Adhikari,
He’s always the guy to help you out in a sticky situation with his kickass Marathi.

So after a lot of delays we finally go there for our lunch,
For obvious reasons we were a very very hungry bunch,
Straight to the salad bar this Gardullah took us,
One nibble of the Prawn Biryani and she parked herself like a BEST bus.

The soup was average, but the salads were devine,
The shredded chicken so delightful, we finished it in no time,
I don’t know what sauces and veggies this Gardullah put in our salad but it was awesome,
All this was just the aperitifs; the main course was yet to come.

Since we were four of us we each wanted to try something different,
There were choices between Pasta, Sizzlers and Barbeques (all money well spent)
The chicken was probably a tad bit undercooked,
But what the hell for 295 + tax; I’d eat stuff made out of my old history text book.

The stand out thing about their lunch buffet has to be the dessert,
Hakeem Chacha couldn’t get enough of the Strawberry Cheese cake, he even dropped some on his shirt,
Gardullah kept going “Ummm” after every bite,
I ate soo much chocolate cakes and brownies that my jeans started to feel tight.

Excellent place this for a nice long meal with close friends, family and gardullah’s
The gang’s next target is to go eat some food at Bori Mulla’s
A double thumbs up for Out of the Blue – Great music, ambience and good food,
Now let’s talk about Buddy Guy – a mad blues artist and one cool dude.

There’s not one person in this world who would NOT like the blues,
Its easily the most soothing kind of music, a nice cognac perhaps to get you lose,
Buddy Guy is one of the few guitarists who didn’t smoke himself to death,
Unlike crazy miss Houston, who shot pretty much everything from Coke to Crystal Meth.

These blues artists have simply too many albums,
After a certain point they all sound the same, like one beautiful blues anthem,
I’d suggest Buddy’s Baddest as a perfect album for a newbie,
Hell I’d also tell you which of them are Friendly Chap’s best songs as a freebie.

“Mustang Sally” and “Midnight Train” are easily the stand out songs,
“Rememberin’ Stevie” has got some nice solos, but it’s a tad too long,
“Miss Ida B” proves that this Buddy Guy was no “Innocent Man”,
But his best song undoubtedly is “Damm Right, I’ve Got The Blues”

Okay after almost 45 minutes of rhyming and makes stuff up, I have reached the conclusion that it is simply impossible to write only poems about blues. The rest of the Blues updates will definitely be in a non-poetic form, or NOT. Till then let’s hope that Swami G doesn’t get OUT OF THE BLUES!!! Three Cheers to some awesome music, and watch out for the Gang of Gardullah’s – coming soon at a bar/lounge near you.

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